
The eventual aim of therapy is to teach you to apply the skills you have learnt during treatment to your daily life so that, in effect, you become your own therapist.

How does a CBT session work?*

Our CBT treatment sessions will last 50-60 minutes and I would recommend these be on a weekly basis, to develop our working relationship and our understanding of your difficulties

The eventual aim of therapy is to teach you to apply the skills you have learnt during treatment to your daily life. To become your own therapist.

These sessions can either be in person at the Wellness Hub in Falmouth  or remotely via the telephone or video call.


Start of the session......

….. we will set an agenda together to make sure we are covering any items that we feel are necessary. Some agenda items will remain consistent for each session, such as reviewing your mood over the past week, reviewing any home practice set from the past session, recapping the past session and setting more home practice for the following week.

During the session......

…we will work together – through discussion, guided questioning and the use of therapy models – to break down your difficulties, to help us understand how they are working and what might be maintaining them

As the sessions progress......

…..we will work together to analyse your difficulties and to explore the impact they have on you and the impact your cognitions (thoughts and images), emotions, physical feelings and behaviours have on each other.

Treatment within CBT builds on this shared understanding and falls into two general areas of working on thoughts and working on behaviours.

*Please be aware I do not provide a crisis service. If you need urgent assistance telephone the Samaritans Tel: 116 123, contact your GP surgery or attend the nearest A & E Department.


Initial 15 minute consultation

This is done over the phone and can be arranged at a mutually convenient time. We can briefly discuss your current concerns and CBT therapy, to see whether I would be the best person to help you
Free of charge

Treatment Session

Our CBT treatment sessions will last 50-60 minutes and I would recommend that these be on a weekly basis, to best develop our working relationship and shared our understanding of your difficulties.

£80 per session